Giving Yourself Grace in 2021

The first post of 2021 is a bit delayed, but here we are! I’ve done a lot of thinking about what I wanted my first post of the new year to be and couldn’t quite figure it out until this past week. I’m going to be honest, I’ve always believed in the “new year, new me” cliche. Healthy eating, exercising, and lots of skin care. Last year, I finally became consistent with my workout routine and found a gym that I LOVED going to! During the Christmas season, I took some time off from working out and was so ready to kick off the new year as the “new me”. That plan was quickly put on hold when I started having the worst back pain from sitting in an old desk chair all day, every day to teach from home. The most exercise my body could handle was walking.

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At first, I felt so guilty for not working out. Then, I realized, I have to take care of me and the gym will be there when I’m ready. I started thinking about what I can do right now, instead of what I can’t. I’m walking when I can, making healthier choices, and doing things that make me happy for my own mental health. I think we get so caught up in the idea of creating a new version of ourselves in the new year, instead of bettering ourselves and just being happy. My favorite post I’ve seen this year says, “new year, same me, but stronger”. That’s exactly what my goal has transitioned to this year. I’m giving myself grace, instead of huge, unattainable expectations. Cheers to walking into this new year with grace!

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xoxo, Mackenzie